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Charter Revision - No September Meetings
This discussion topic was requested by Councilmember Kyonzté Toombs to discuss her proposed amendment to RS2024-559 -- the Charter Amendment Resolution.
From CM Toombs:
I have submitted an amendment to the Charter resolution RS2024-559 to not hold regularly scheduled Council meetings in September.
Council meetings are year-round. We not only have regularly scheduled Council meetings, but we also have frequent specially called meetings, committee meetings, our own community meetings, neighborhood association meetings, district events, citywide events, and we provide constituent services ranging from mediating between neighbors to helping to house constituents facing eviction. Additionally, despite an awesome Council staff, we are our own administrative support.
Serving as a councilmember is a full-time job with which we balance our family and friends and our actual full time jobs. We often do this at the expense of our own personal health. Despite the personal sacrifice, I am certain that all of us, if given a “do over,” would again choose to serve.
Despite our commitment to Nashville, the pace at which we move is not healthy and some type of “rest” is needed. Every election year, Council is essentially in recess for the month of September due to runoff elections. A permanent September recess would flow with the normal practice during an election year. Planning staff and Council staff have been consulted. The schedule for filling legislation as well as the schedule to review zoning applications would need to be updated. Neither of these updates would be detrimental to Nashville residents. Council members would still be available to constituents, and the option to have a specially called meeting would still be available.
The time needed to prepare for Council and committee meetings, meet short legislative deadlines, prepare amendments, etc. can be spent catching up on email, phone calls, and other constituent services. The time can be spent focusing on district matters or provide more time to focus on legislative priorities. The time could be spent attending a child’s school event or catching up on family time. Council members would have the opportunity to catch their breath and come back refreshed for another year of service.
So that this change benefits current council members, this amendment should be adopted and placed on the ballot.
CM Toombs
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