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RS2024-592 - 204 Safe Harbor Dr

This discussion topic was requested by Council member Jennifer Webb. Please find below the text of questions CM Webb has sent to the Housing Division of the Metro Planning Department related to RS2024-592:

1.    How much ownership can the owner accrue at this time and how is the value set?

2.    What are the co-op fees for this project ?

3.    What is the application process to purchase ?

4.    What are the down payments ? financing ?

5.    Who elects the board ?

6.    These are proprietary leases, so who controls the sell or transfer of the shares when the owner decided to see?

7.    How are the funds from a sell disbursed ? Are there fees for selling or transfer of shares ?

8.    What is all included in the monthly rental ? Can they ever increase ?

I would like to get a copy of the contract the buyer signs and a copy of the bylaws.

I also talked to Tim Ellis and he has asked me to defer so he can meet with company, he had not been notified . 

This is inside the City of Goodlettsville city limits and before I can give my support, they need to be on board!

I also have reservations of keeping this from the current residents, if this is such a good thing, why not tell them ???!!!

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